Tag: What does it mean?

Liberty What does it mean to you?

Liberty What does it mean to you?

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Today, we discuss the subject of Liberty between me, Max Wells, and Richard Martinson, A Yale Law Grad.
The Liberty Bell has been a sign of Freedom and Liberty since the founding of this nation. Although there is no documented proof, it is believed that the Liberty Bell was rung on July 8, 1776, to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

“In our society today, the word liberty has found a new meaning. No longer does it mean personal Liberty to speak, think, and believe as we choose. It now means “We The People” have the Liberty to do as we are told by those who pretend to have authority over us,” Max stated.

“Pretend to have authority, Max they do have authority over us, we elected them and empowered them to govern,” Richard said

“We elected who? Did we decide who their candidates would be? Think of the herd of sheep; they are ruled by one man or dog and will blindly follow. Men are not sheep; however, much some would like us to be. No, once again, we live under the false reality they created for us. Which hand do you like most, my right hand or my left, I give not a twit which as both are my hands?” I asked.

“Max; we are a nation ruled by laws and the Constitution. Even those corrupt politicians must follow the laws of the land,” Richard said.

“Are all laws constitutional?” I asked. “I believe most laws are but a fiction of law.”

“Max, what do you mean by ‘Fiction of Law’ I am a lawyer, the laws are not a fiction, but duly enacted laws,” Richard stated.

“Richard, all law not founded on the Constitution is fiction, it is null and void, yet people believe the fiction of law just as they believe a novel to be the truth when it is fiction. For example, we have the law of this Federal Reserve System, which is not federal, but a private corporation controlling this nation’s money supply and most of the world. Is this lawful? Does the Constitution provide for a private corporation to issue the currency of the nation? No, it is exactly the opposite, yet our people are controlled through this fiction,” I said.

“I am certain many have not been challenged as to their constitutionality, but they exist until challenged and the courts enforce them,” Richard said.

“That is what I am saying, Richard. Any State, City, County, or Township can by their legislative body pass a new code or call it a statute, and it becomes law in the eyes of those who passed it, but is it in reality law? I say no, it is but a fiction of law. The only law that governs our sovereign citizens is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all lawful statutes that become ‘Law’ must be based upon those two documents.” “Most of the codes, statutes in effect today are not based upon Constitutional Authority; therefore, they are a ‘fiction of law.’ People have been indoctrinated to accept any such codes or statutes as lawful. They are forced to obey them upon some form of punishment, either a fine or loss of Liberty. It is all a fiction but is upheld in the chancery or equity courts, which are not Common Law Courts as authorized in the U.S. Constitution Article VI.

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”

“Where in this does it give the power to make laws not based upon the Constitution? In the landmark Supreme Court case, Marbury v. Madison, it was decided; “All laws, rules, and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void,” I said.

“Max, we have our Constitution and courts that enforce our rights as citizens of the united states of America,” Richard said.

“Do you? That is another illusion we live under; here is Constitutional Law 92. 665. 92. Constitutional Law 92 VI Enforcement of Constitutional Provisions 92VI (A) Persons Entitled to Raise Constitutional Questions; Standing 92VI (A), In General 92k 665 k. In General. Most Cited Cases (Formerly 92k42 (2). “No private person has a right to complain by suit in court on the ground of a breach of the United States constitution; for, though the constitution is a compact, he is not a party to it,” I said.

“Correct Max; we, you and I, are not considered a party to the Constitution, therefor we lack ‘standing’ we the people are merely tenants to the landlord under the law. I realize this sounds like nonsense, but believe me, it is not. I spent my years at Yale Law School and never learned this. Why? Because in our schools, we are taught what ‘they’ wish us to know. If we desire knowledge, it is up to us to seek it. How many students are going to question their professors or texts?” Richard asked.

Richard, we agree that “We The People” live under an illusion of freedom. How do we restore the rights granted under the original Constitution? I asked.

“Max, the only way is to restore “Common Law” on which this nation was founded. We live under ‘case law,’ meaning every case that goes before an appeal court establishes new laws. There is no longer any standard; it is fluid changing daily. Our freedom has been lost without a fight,” Richard said. “I believe we can start a freedom movement, if we can achieve a critical mass, all these problems will be fixed.”


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