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About Us




Who am I?                                                                                                                                                        Max Wells Jr Producer

That is a question I have asked myself for many years and still have no answer. Each day is a new experience, some good, some not so good, but each a lesson that needs to be learned. Writing novels in my opinion must be based upon REAL life experiences, otherwise, they cannot be felt to capture the emotions shared with you. Perhaps that is why Hemingway was so great, he lived as he wrote.

I write fiction, but that fiction has a foundation in truth. For example, my novel Exempt is historical political fiction based upon my friendship with the young man who was responsible for JFK winning the Presidency. The truth was then exposed in a way never before or since revealed. The genre I most love is  a blending of truths, many never before exposed, with their story, the people who lived it, adding things, and people who make it real This allows you to not only read, but live it with them. I love to write about all interesting people, regardless of status, gender, or faith. If there is a real story, a fascinating story that begs to be told, I wish to tell it.  I hope you will enjoy reading, and living it as  much as I do writing it.